3 research outputs found

    Microclimatic behavior of a screen house proposed for horticultural production in low-altitude tropical climate conditions

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    In developing countries, horticultural production in low-altitude tropical climate conditions is often limited by biotic and abiotic factors. In these countries, the implementation of highly technical greenhouses is not feasible due to economic, social and cultural issues related to farmers. Therefore, one of the alternatives that has taken a great boom is the use of screen house structures (SH), although information on the microclimatic behavior of these is still limited. The objective of this research was to use an experimentally validated 3D CFD numerical simulation model to study the thermal behavior and airflow patterns in an SH located in the Colombian Caribbean region during the daytime hours (6:00 to18:00 h). The results obtained showed that the air flow patterns inside the SH showed speed reductions of up to 68% with respect to the speed of the external wind. It was also found that the thermal behavior inside the SH was quite homogeneous, the average temperature values in the structures ranged between 23.9 and 39 °C and the difference with external environment temperature did not exceed 1.8 °C. It was concluded that the implementation of this type of structure could be an useful technological tool for the optimization of horticultural production in low-altitude tropical climate regions.In developing countries, horticultural production in low-altitude tropical climate conditions is often limited by biotic and abiotic factors. In these countries, the implementation of highly technical greenhouses is not feasible due to economic, social and cultural issues related to farmers. Therefore, one of the alternatives that has taken a great boom is the use of screen house structures (SH), although information on the microclimatic behavior of these is still limited. The objective of this research was to use an experimentally validated 3D CFD numerical simulation model to study the thermal behavior and airflow patterns in an SH located in the Colombian Caribbean region during the daytime hours (6:00 to18:00 h). The results obtained showed that the air flow patterns inside the SH showed speed reductions of up to 68% with respect to the speed of the external wind. It was also found that the thermal behavior inside the SH was quite homogeneous, the average temperature values in the structures ranged between 23.9 and 39 °C and the difference with external environment temperature did not exceed 1.8 °C. It was concluded that the implementation of this type of structure could be an useful technological tool for the optimization of horticultural production in low-altitude tropical climate regions

    DisRepuestos La 24 DisApp - DisApp - Mis Repuestos a un clic

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    Elaborar un estudio de factibilidad de la puesta en marcha de herramientas digitales para la empresa que permitan tener mayor soporte comercial para el usuario final a través de la navegación en la página web, a través del uso de la App o brindando soporte sobre las consultas o requerimientos de los usuarios a través de un chat en línea.La siguiente investigación busca identificar la viabilidad y puesta en marcha de una App, la tienda Online y una página web para la empresa Disrepuestos La 24; donde se busca sacar provecho que ya es una empresa con un excelente posicionamiento en el mercado local, ya tiene una base de clientes fijos y potenciales que permite darle continuidad al negocio y con el ánimo de brindar valor agregado para el cliente, se quiere planificar, diseñar y poner en marcha una App y una página web que le permitan a los usuarios realizar de una manera más ágil y eficiente, realizar cotizaciones y compras de los productos que ofrece la empresa. Además de poder tener un contacto en línea, en tiempo real, con la empresa a través de un chat. Complementado todo con una tienda Online en la que el cliente podrá realizar sus compras de manera ágil y rápida.The following research seeks to identify the viability and implementation of an App, the OnLine store and a website for the company Disrepuestos La 24; where it seeks to take advantage that is already a company with an excellent position in the local market, already has a customer base stock that allows to give continuity to the business and with the aim of providing added value to the customer, we want to plan, design and implement an App and a website that allow users to perform a more agile and efficient way, make quotations and purchases of products offered by the company. In addition to being able to have an online contact, in real time, with the company through a chat. All of this is complemented with an OnLine store web,where the customer can make purchases in a fast and agile way

    Comportamiento microclimático diurno, en temporada seca, de tres estructuras para agricultura protegida en el trópico seco

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    Introduction: In Costa Rica, the use of protected agricultural structures for horticultural production has increased in recent years, although there is little information on their microclimatic behavior. Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the behavior of airflow patterns and their effect on the spatial distribution of temperature and relative humidity inside three types of protected agricultural structure designed for family farming systems. Methods: The study was done in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, in the dry season of 2019, with a computational fluid dynamics model for the development of nine steady state simulations. The 3D model was experimentally validated by collecting climate information in each of the structure prototypes. Results: For the three structures, the goodness-of-fit parameters between measured and simulated data showed mean absolute error and root mean square error values of  0,21-0,44 °C and 1,65-3,40 % relative humidity.  Measured and simulated data had the same trends in the showed; the air flow patterns inside the structures were highly dependent on external wind speed and direction. The temperature and relative humidity conditions inside the three structures had a considerably homogeneous behavior. Conclusions: In the three small protected agricultural structures tested, which are usually used in family agriculture,  no significant differences were found for thermal and hygrometric behavior inside each of the structures  under these testing conditions. Introducción: En Costa Rica, el uso de estructuras agrícolas protegidas para la producción hortícola se ha incrementado en los últimos años, aunque existe poca información sobre su comportamiento microclimático. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar el comportamiento de los patrones de flujo de aire y su efecto en la distribución espacial de la temperatura y la humedad relativa dentro de tres tipos de estructuras agrícolas protegidas diseñadas para sistemas agrícolas familiares. Métodos: El estudio se realizó en Guanacaste, Costa Rica, en la época seca de 2019, con un modelo de dinámica de fluidos computacional para el desarrollo de nueve simulaciones de estado estacionario. El modelo 3D se validó experimentalmente mediante la recopilación de información climática en cada uno de los prototipos de estructura. Resultados: Para las tres estructuras, los parámetros de bondad de ajuste entre datos medidos y simulados tuvieron error absoluto medio y error cuadrático medio de 0,21-0,44 °C y 1,65-3,40 % de humedad relativa. Los datos medidos y simulados tuvieron las mismas tendencias; los patrones de flujo de aire dentro de las estructuras dependieron en gran medida de la velocidad y dirección del viento externo. Las condiciones de temperatura y humedad relativa dentro de las tres estructuras tuvieron un comportamiento considerablemente homogéneo. Conclusiones: En las tres pequeñas estructuras agrícolas que probamos, usadas habitualmente en agricultura familiar, no se encontraron diferencias significativas del comportamiento térmico e higrométrico interno en estas condiciones de prueba